Word of advice: Don't drink the 'BP Blast' at Donovan's Pub
Seriously. When I first ordered the drink last night - mostly out of appreciation for the fact they had a BP related drink special - I feared it might be made out of gasoline and dead shrimp. Although I was a little off, I can report with 100% accuracy that it tastes exactly like drinking out of the Gulf of Mexico. I am pretty sure the recipe calls for tequila, oil, salt and blood. This makes it a perfect drink to throw in Tony Hayward's face should you ever have the chance, but not something to actually ingest. Blech.
The one good thing last night was catching the Claps. Not a hodge-podge of sexy-time disease, but an electro-pop three piece from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They were one of two bands (the other was The Funeral and the Twilight) from "MM" (do people call it that? Probably not. And they probably shouldn't.) playing at Donovan's last night. Here's a video of their musics:
I have not had a chance to listen to their new EP, but it contains a "Sovietpanda" remix of the above track. That's reason enough to like it, yes? They also had little pins (or badges or buttons - whatever you want to call them) and that made me very happy, since collecting these pins is my newest OCD obsession:
See? My collection is fairly small, but if you don't see your band's pin on here I need it please thank you. It has to be this exact size though, or my life will be ruined. I will trade you for something cool.
I am a freelance writer and stand up comedian in the Detroit area. I primarily write about dogs, politics, comedy, music and Detroit/Hamtramck. Sometimes all of these things at once. Also sometimes other things. Like Bollywood.
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