New Wonder Twins in yesterday's Metro Times. Oh, the things we do for you people... This time we went to see the Justin Bieber 3-D concert movie video film Never Say Never. You know, for the lulz. This is apparently now the top grossing concert film in US history or some such? Well, just wait until the remastered director's cut of the Barry Manilow Special from 1977 is re-released in theaters. Then shit's gonna change fast...
Mr. John Nelson was in one of my very favorite Detroit bands - the very recently defunct New Grenada. He currently plays with Copper Thieves and Destroy This Place. He has a brand new solo project. Check it out here.
If you're one of those SXSW people, word is these guys are a "2011 Showcasing Artist" or some such. Go see them. They're everything the new Arcade Fire album should have been.
I've been doing Blowout blogging, and this trend will continue through the end of the festivities. I've been posting them on my Tumblr, but you can also find them directly on the Metro TimesMusic Blahg. I keep forgetting to cross-post them here. Mostly because using Blogger is making me feel increasingly homicidal.
Hey music nerds, it's BLOWOUT TIME AGAIN! I'll be blogging the festivities again this year over at the Metro Times Music Blahg. In fact, I just posted my picks for the next four days of fun. Go read it.
I am a freelance writer and stand up comedian in the Detroit area. I primarily write about dogs, politics, comedy, music and Detroit/Hamtramck. Sometimes all of these things at once. Also sometimes other things. Like Bollywood.